"Presque toujours, pour vivre en repos avec nous-mêmes, nous travestissons en calculs et en systèmes nos impuissances, ou nos faiblesses: cela satisfait cette portion de nous qui est pour ainsi dire, spectatrice de l'autre." Contemporary binding. À l’instar du Cahier rouge, publié de façon posthume, Adolphe est un récit semi-autobiographique. Londres, H. Colburn, Paris, Treuttel et Würtz, 1816. Benjamin Constant, vlastným menom Henri-Benjamin Constant de Rebecque (* 25. október 1767, Lausanne, Švajčiarsko – † 8. december 1830, Paríž, Francúzsko) bol francúzsky spisovateľ, publicista a politik.. Pochádzal z rodiny francúzskych protestantských emigrantov, študoval v Oxforde, Erlangene, Edinburghu, potom bol bez stáleho zamestnania, cestoval po Európe. J.E. "Adolphe".

Adolphe, Benjamin Constant Adolphe is a classic French novel by Benjamin Constant, first published in 1816. It tells the story of an alienated young man, Adolphe, who falls in love with an older woman, Ellénore, the Polish mistress of the Comte de P***. Benjamin Constant publie Adolphe en 1816. Constant, Benjamin. With the resurgence of interest in liberal ideas in France in the 1980s, however, his importance as a political theorist has come to be appreciated. He was a novelist, political theorist, journalist, and politician who, through his education and personal inclination, brought English and Scottish notions of liberal constitutional monarchy to France. Benjamin Constant často cestoval po Evropě a měl řadu milostných poměrů.

Franco-Swiss novelist and political figure Benjamin Constant was the author of Adolphe (1816), a forerunner of the modern psychological novel. Adolphe is a classic French novel by Benjamin Constant, first published in 1816. by Benjamin Constant (1816) Gentlemen, I wish to submit for your attention a few distinctions, still rather new, between two kinds of liberty: these differences have thus far remained unnoticed, or at least insufficiently remarked. V letech 1795 – 1811 měl vztah s jednou z prvních evropských intelektuálek, baronkou Germaine de Staël (byl pravděpodobně otcem její dcery Albertiny, která se narodila v roce 1797).

Opposé aux Ultras, il fait paraître Des moyens de rallier les partis en France, et collabore au Mercure. CONSTANT, BENJAMIN (1767–1830), French politician, writer, and theorist.. Benjamin Constant de Rebecque was best known in his lifetime as a politician and political journalist and later as a novelist. Bulloz (1767–1830). 1816. Their illicit relationship serves to isolate them from their friends and from society at large. En effet, l’intrigue n’est pas très originale dans son fonctionnement mais c’est la façon dont le personnage-narrateur s’analyse, se critique, se juge qui donne sa tonalité au récit. Adolphe, anecdote trouvée dans les papiers d’un inconnu, et publiée par M. Benjamin de Constant. CONSTANT, BENJAMIN. Aubergine half-roan, ribbed spine decorated with gilt fillet and a long gilt motif, marbled edges, tiny foxing. Benjamin Constant. Extraits. Benjamin Constant Adolphe 1816 Genre Adolphe est un roman de mœurs, d’analyse psychologique.

Constant, Benjamin (1767-1830) Henri-Benjamin Constant de Rebecque was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, and died in Paris.

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