Last Event: 2020-06-18. Raddus is played by Paul Kasey in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Reward: Raddus - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. He was a Mon Calamari male who served as Admiral in the Rebel Alliance.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (prima apparizione) Il 15 Febbraio 2018, a richiesta dei fan, Star Wars Bounty Hunter WIki ha creato e pubblicato un video che parla della biografia di Raddus.Il video è riassuntivo, ma esprime con efficacia le parti più importanti della vita di Raddus. Un membro della specie anfibia Mon Calamari, l’ammiraglio Raddus ha dimostrato le sue qualità di leadership come ufficiale di alto rango dell’Alleanza Ribelle. Admiral's Maneuver.
Il personaggio è ispirato da Winston Churchill, il primo ministro inglese durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
The Raddus can provide a new status effect, Deflector Shield, which grants Foresight and recovers protection at the start of the unit’s turn. Yes Yes Keep Public Manners | for kids | Play Safe | Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs | BabyBus - Duration: 23:11. Raddus è interpretato da Paul Kasey nel film del 2016 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Raddus is inspired by the famous Winston Churchill, the prime minister of the United Kingdom during WW2. Sotto viene riportata la descrizione scritta del video, uguale a quella audio.
The list is divided between "humans and humanoids" and "droids". This list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon. BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes Recommended for you Presente in. ... Porg™ – LEGO® Star Wars… The Ultimate ability has a very long cooldown of 10 turns but can be reduced when Resistance allies with Foresight use a special ability. Behind the Scenes Edit.
A gruff Mon Calamari officer, Raddus commands the rebel starfleet before the Battle of Yavin, working to knit a hodgepodge of ships into a military force and arrange the delivery of new capital ships to the Alliance. In Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, the main Resistance command ship under the command of Ackbar is called the Raddus. Arena Rating: Based on role, speed, damage, survival, and utility ratings, depicts relative unsynergized strength of a hero on a relative scale.. Admiral Raddus is a character featured in the Star Wars movie Rogue One. Appearances Edit