Sony gave us the smaller, sleeker PlayStation 4 Slim as a replacement to the original console.
I say this because the slims pre owned hardware would be a few years old now, my bluray drive on the slim broke after about 4 years. 2) Send in my PS3 Fat for a refurb Slim. Now, both the companies have slashed their price and brought it down to USD 299, as a result of which the price factor doesn’t quite hold ground and everything comes down to features. I also heard (though I am not sure) that the slim consumes less energy. But just how does it measure up? PS3 Slim vs. PS3 - Der Hardware-Check (3) Quelle: PS3 Slim vs. PS3 - Das Hardware-Fazit Die neue PS3-Slim ist preiswerter, stromsparender und bietet die volle Unterstützung der neuen HD-Audio-Formate. I'm tempted to trade it in for a slim because I save a bit of money, and because my Fat has another issue; the fan. It has superior cooling system which ensures less chance of overheating. The only reason I would ever consider a fat PS3 over a slim would be if we were talking about one of the first-gen versions with backwards-compatibility support for PS2. PS3 Slim vs. PS3 - Gemeinsamkeiten Die PS3 Slim kann (fast*) alles das, was die bislang erhältliche PlayStation 3 auch kann. PS3 Slim Vs. Xbox 360 S Earlier, the price factor played a crucial role in deciding which is better between PS3 and Xbox 360. Por enquanto, está atendendo às expectativas. Mm la verdad cada generación de la consola PS3 (Fat, Slim, U.Slim) a corregido errores de su antecesora, pero te dire que ninguna a cambiado los componentes haciendo las potente o menos potente, solo unas pequeñas diferencias de hardware como lo son los detalles de la Lectora que ya no sugbsiona los discos sino que ahora volvemos al clasico Ps2 slim donde metemos el disco y otras … The fan goes nuts when I play anything intensive and it annoys me.
A luz vermelha acende, mas a verde apenas por alguns instantes, dá uns bipes e volta para vermelha. Curiosamente, el PS4 Pro tiene los mismos 8GB de GGR5 RAM que los PS4 y PS4 Slim originales; esto es una sorpresa, considerando el énfasis de Sony en las capacidades de video 4K con el PS4 Pro. re: playstation 3 super slim vs. playstation 3 slim Mensagem por enzoferon » Em 06 Nov 2012, 18:44 Já joguei mais não cheguei a zerar,esses jogos eu já iria comprar bem antes,eles são alguns dos jogos que me fizeram comprar o PS3.
PS3 Fat vs Slim? I need to do one of two things. For PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can I play PS1 game on PS3 slim". Então comprei um PS3 SLIM 320GB. Während das Kühlsystem der PS3 Slim komplett überarbeitet wurde, gleichen sich Prozessor, Arbeitsspeicher, CPU und GPU im Vergleich zur etablierten PS3.
I actually use my Super Slim lot more than my Slim though especially because it came with a 500GB hard drive rather than my 120GB Slim. Fat: 1,1 Sone / 103-168W Slim: 0,6 Sone / 80W SuperSlim: 1,1 Sone / 71W Quelle: pcgameshardware Die Slim bietet dort meiner Meinung nach das beste Mittelding. Esse, infelizmente, durou apenas 8 meses. Send in my PS3 Fat to get repaired (laser issue) OR. Foi aí que reolvi experimentar o SUPER SLIM.
Technically, the slim is better. la ps3 "Ultra Slim" est la derniere ps3, elle est sortie récemment, et elle a a peu pres les meme caratéristiques que la "Slim" sauf l'esthetique qui change notamment la façon de mettre le CD et elle est aussi un peu plus legere, de plus , il existe une version de 12Go , ce qui n'est pas tres elevé mais le prix est de 229 euros , la moins chere pour l'instant. Agora estou com um PS3 SUPER SLIM 500GB. Kesimpulan: PS3 Slim lebih baik menghadapi YLOD dibandingkan dengan PS3 Fat itu benar. Honestly although I liked my PS3 slim better than my current super slim, due to the quieter drive and better quality casing.
I recommend that you get the super slim especially if you're buying preowned if not get the slim version. Bukan hanya ditambah kipas dan diperkecil ukuran Nvidia saja menjamin tidak akan YLOD, kalo anda sudah pernah dan terbiasa Overclocking …
Slim PS3 > Super Slim > Fat Toss up between Slim and Super Slim. If it is not one of these models then the advantages of the slims (and super slims) far outweigh the fats. Gráficas Sony aumentó los beneficios de la televisión con ultra high definition (UHD o 4K) y el high dynamic range (HDR), así como lo que puede hacer el PS4 Pro con los formatos. Tapi kalo dikatakan PS3 slim Tidak akan YLOD atau bahkan Anti YLOD harus dikaji ulang, karena faktor penyebab YLOD atau over heating pada RSX banyak sekali.
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